
Niko Varvaris is a Portfolio Management Associate at Foster Group. Niko’s responsibilities include managing client portfolios by executing trades, performing periodic rebalancing, investing new contributions, and making cash available for distributions. Prior to joining Foster Group, Niko worked as a Medical Sales Representative for the funeral industry. In that role, he met with clients daily, providing ergonomic solutions for their company needs.


I was honored when presented with the opportunity to work for Foster Group.  Foster Group truly puts the people it serves first, and that was apparent to me the moment I first stepped through the door.  I am deeply passionate about helping others and when I saw that Foster Group’s values aligned with mine, I knew it was the right place for me.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending my time on the golf course, cooking, or traveling. I often find myself looking for new restaurants wherever I am, hoping to inspire my own efforts in the kitchen.


BBA in Finance from The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business